Friday, August 12, 2011

Currently Reading update

Yellow by Don Lee

Before you start feeling anything remotely offensive, I will go ahead and say that this book is not meant to insult others. It's meant to evoke a feeling of a very real response to how some people see that word. The book itself is mainly about Asian-Americans living their every day lives. It's a very poignant, honest view on how they see themselves and what they deal with. I find it to be a good read so far. Don Lee has a very distinct style of descriptive passages and sharp dialogue. As an Asian-American, I am enjoying this book because I understand a lot going on. Even if you weren't of any Asian descent, I'm sure you would still enjoy it.

Private by James Patterson & Maxine Paetro

Whatever the opinion may be about James Patterson, I'm reading the book for the story. Since I like crime-drama and mystery, it was obvious to me that I should buy this book. Also, the local Borders stores within a 20-mile radius seem to like closing up, I also had to use my leftover gift cards to purchase some books. I bought this and 2 others. So far, it's good. Patterson's distinct style of short chapters make it feel like a real page-turner. However, I had to take a break from the book because I got other books to read.

Still reading:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling

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